WriteToFile Method (Field Object) 

The WriteToFile method saves the field value to a file in the file system.





Required. The Field object.


Required. The full path and file name for the saved field; for example, C:\DOCUMENT\BUDGET.XLS.



The WriteToFile method writes the string or binary value of the Field object to the specified file name. It overwrites any existing information in that file.

Note that WriteToFile is not supported for simple types, such as Integer, Long, and Boolean. Visual Basic provides common functions to read and write these base types to and from files. The WriteToFile method fails if the Type property of the Field is not a string or binary type.

Note that some binary types are represented in hexadecimal string format by the OLE Messaging Library and written in binary format. Comparison operations on the Value property and the actual contents of the file can return  not equal,  even though the values are equivalent.

In addition, support for types can vary among providers. Not all providers support both the String and Binary property types.


See Also

ReadFromFile, Method (Field Object)